60" &  55" Square 

                     Oilcloth Tablecloths
                          some are cotton .....some are linen
            * (just wipe off with a sponge no washing machine)

          #15 - 60" square  oilcloth

#15 - 60" square oilcloth

$ 105.63 USD

store pick up Tax incl.

#15 - 60" square oilcloth

$ 116.50 USD

with shipping

      #17 - 60" square  oilcloth

#17 - 60" square oilcloth (store pick up)

$ 105.63 USD

store pick up Tax included

#17 - 60" square oilcloth (with shipping)

$ 116.50 USD

with shipping
        #14 - 60" square  oilcloth

#14 - 60" square oilcloth

$ 105.63 USD

store pick up Tax incl.

#14 - 60" square oilcloth

$ 116.50 USD

with shipping

        #18 - 60" square  oilcloth

#17 - 60" square oilcloth (store pick up)

$ 105.63 USD

store pick up Tax included

#17 - 60" square oilcloth (with shipping)

$ 116.50 USD

with shipping
           #19 - 60" square  oilcloth
                        navy blue

#19 - 60" square oilcloth navy blue (store pick up)

$ 105.63 USD

store pick up tax included

#19 - 60" square oilcloth navy blue (with shipping)

$ 116.50 USD

with shipping

        #21 - 60" square  oilcloth

#21 - 60" square oilcloth (store pick up)

$ 105.63 USD

store pick up tax included

#21 - 60" square oilcloth (with shipping)

$ 116.50 USD

with shipping